Are you searching for a less intense but exciting game, just like Ice Hockey? Then, Broomball is just right for you. But before jumping into broomball rules, let’s first see what it actually is. As its name suggests, players use broomsticks/broomball sticks instead of professional ice hockey sticks to score goals in this game. Sounds interesting!
Well, it doesn’t end here. In this game, players are supposed to wear rubber-soled shoes instead of skates, which means twice the fun. Who doesn’t like to slide and glide on ice? That is exactly what Broomball offers: A combination of fun and thrilling elements that’ll leave you on the edge. But how do you play it? What are the broomball rules? Want to know? Keep reading to find out.
Unpopular opinion – Broomball has the makings to be the next big thing!
Table of Contents
How To Play Broomball?
To familiarize ourselves with broomball, let’s start by learning the basics of how to play broomball. Playing broomball is quite similar to playing ice hockey. The basics of the game are identical. Just like in Ice Hockey, the players are divided into two teams with six players each (including one goalie for each team). The game is played on an ice hockey rink, where both teams try to score goals past the opposing team and its goalie, using a stick/broomstick (of sorts).
Broomball is a trendy sport in most Scandinavian countries, although it is played in different countries worldwide. However, the gears used in broomball differ from those used in ice hockey, as per Broomball rules. While broomball can also be a contact sport, it is much less rough than its close relative – Ice Hockey. But it can get rough, too, depending on the intensity of the game and the rules of Broomball.
The Objective Of Broomball
Of course, the objective of playing broomball is to win. To do that, a team must score more goals than the others and defend as many goal attempts as possible while adhering to the Broomball rules. When the time runs out, the team with the most goals wins the game.

Broomball Rules
Broomball can become extreme when played competitively. Hence, specific rules have been instated to ensure that the players conform to the regulations to ensure safe gameplay for everyone involved. So, if you are planning on hitting the skating rink with your friends to play Broomball, make sure you know these rules well enough to have a delightful experience with your friends. Mentioned below are some of the basic broomball rules:
- Each team must have three players of each gender on the pitch at all times during the game, including the goalie.
- Helmets are mandatory. As for the goalies, each goalie must have full face masks to protect themselves (Goalie pads are not mandatory but can be worn).
- Try to avoid body contact. Before the play starts, none of the players involved in the face-off can touch the other player.
- During the face-off, one player from each team must meet at the center of the rink. The players involved in the face-off cannot touch the broomball with their feet or their broomball sticks before it touches the ice rink surface. After every goal, a face-off will take place.
- According to the broomball rules, a goal is considered legal if it crosses into the goal crease after being hit by the broom or stick or bounces off another player’s body. Only the goalie is allowed in the goal crease.
- A goal will be considered illegal if the ball has been deliberately hit using hands, legs, or other parts of the body, the broom is higher than shoulder height, the ball enters the goal crease after the buzzer is sounded, or if the ball bounces off the referee before going into the goal.
- Broomball rules state that brooms cannot be swung above shoulder level, and a stick swung high equipmentwill be penalized.
- The players can only use the stick to try and take the ball from their opponents.
- If the referee has declared a stoppage for whatever reason, the face-off will occur wherever the play has been stopped. All decisions of the referee/official are final.
- The blue line on the ice rink denotes the offside line. Each game allows only two-line passes.
- Players can knock down a high ball with their hands in certain games. However, they cannot carry the ball or score with their hands. Also, kicking the broomball is only allowed if the player kicks the ball from his own feet to the broom.
Broomball Equipment And Playground
Before we dive into the details of how to play broomball game, you need to know the broomball rules and equipment that are essential for playing the game and the surface/arena where this game is played. As mentioned earlier, broomball is played on an ice hockey rink. But the game can be played both indoors and outdoors.
The Broomball equipment needed to play broomball is as follows:
- Rubber-soled shoes
- A helmet
- Elbow pads
- Gloves
- Shin pads
- Sticks/Brooms (can be made of wood or aluminum)
The broomball and the broom/stick must be in coherence with the game’s regulations. Also, additional safety equipment might be necessary for certain games owing to the game’s physical nature if it gets rough, as per Broomball rules.

Understanding The Positions
There are six players on each team in a game of broomball. The positions in which each of those six players will be playing are as follows:
- One goalkeeper
- Two defenders
- Two Forward Attackers
- One Centre Attacker
Differences in Broomball Goal Nets
One of the key differences between various forms of broomball lies in the size of the goal nets. In IFBA-sanctioned games, the standard goal net size is 5-by-7 feet (1.5 m × 2.1 m). However, when it comes to American broomball, the goal nets are slightly larger, measuring 6-by-8 feet (1.8 m × 2.4 m). This variation in net size can highly impact gameplay, influencing strategies and scoring opportunities between the two versions of the sport.
Tips And Strategies – Get Better At Broomball
Sure, sometimes you play a game to have fun, but the primary objective is always the same – winning the game. While cheating is severely discouraged in any game, knowing a couple of tactics (legal) can go a long way. Here are a few broomball strategies you can apply to get better at broomball:
There are a number of common mistakes that defenders make that end up costing them a goal. To get better at broomball, you must avoid making these mistakes when defending your goal. Here are a few defending tips per broomball rules:
- When defending, you must clear the ball along the boards. Avoid clearing down the middle, as it is easier for an opponent to intercept and advance toward your goal. Even if there is an opening, assess the situation and clear the ball as necessary.
- In some Broomball leagues, kicking the ball is legal. Check with the league broomball rules and clear the ball using your feet. However, you cannot score a goal by kicking the ball.
Attacking is all about finding the gaps and creating opportunities. There is no right or wrong way to attack or score. However, there are a couple of things that you can do that will better your attacking game. For example:
- Hold the broom properly by increasing your precision and power when hitting the ball with your broom. Ideally, in broomball, players do not hold the stick like hockey players. Broomball rules state that hold that stick with one hand at the top for mobility and one hand down the middle (choking the stick) for more power and control.
- Suppose you receive the ball near the opponent’s goal but are still looking for a teammate to pass to then hold onto the ball. But only when it is needed. Try to take a shot at the net. This way, you will have better chances at scoring (through the opponent’s fault), or you can get a deflection.
- Flick the ball by using the proper technique. One proven way to score is by elevating the ball from the ice.

Running fast is not always advantageous. Keeping your balance when the ball is with you is essential. But it can be if you are able to control your speed and maneuver and stop to make turns to get you into a more advantageous position.
General Tips
Now, let’s talk about a couple of things that a team can do to elevate their chances of winning the game. These are mostly tactical in nature but do have a great impact on the game. Let’s dive in.
- You should rotate the active players in the rink if you have more than six players on each team. Keep the shift short, as broomball can be exhausting.
- Sometimes, passing back is a good idea. In a situation where you cannot find an opening to go for glory, you should play short passes to create that space. Keep the possession and try to create an opportunity to score.
Scoring & Winning
Scoring in broomball is quite simple with the help of easy broomball rules. The teams must use the broomball sticks to pass the ball and move into the opponent’s half of the rink. Then, in an advantageous position, players are to use the sticks to put the broomball into the goal or behind the opponent’s goal crease.
To win a game of broomball, one team needs to score more goals than the opposing team. At the end of the game, the team with the most goals wins. According to the official broomball rules, tied games in the regular season do not end with penalties. During the playoffs, if a match ends in a tie, five players from each team will take penalty shots. Eventually, the team that scores the most goals through penalty shots wins.

There are several ways in which a team can either be awarded a penalty or be penalized with it. They are as follows:
- In certain games, sliding is considered dangerous and is penalized. According to the rules of broomball, sliding to block goals or all dangerous slides will be penalized.
- A high stick near another player will be considered dangerous and result in penalties for the other player.
- Players cannot throw their broomball sticks. If they do, the opposite team will be awarded a penalty.
- Goalies cannot block the ball outside the crease. If they do, the opposing team gets a penalty.
Did You Know?
- There is no known official record of how or when broomball was first invented, but estimates suggest that the first game was played by the First Nations (the native people of Canada).
- The first documented game of broomball was played in North America (Perdue, Saskatchewan).
- The IFBA World Broomball Championships (International Federation of Broomball Associations) is the official governing body for broomball.
- North American teams have been dominating broomball for the past years.
Does broomball have offside?
No. Broomball doesn’t have offside when the game is underway. However, during the face-off, offside can be called.
Can you play broomball with regular brooms?
A good old DIY Broomball game is always fun! Yes, you can use a regular broom by cutting off the edges, dipping it in wax, or freezing it.
Can you tackle in broomball?
It depends. You cannot make a severe physical challenge to an opponent. However, like hockey, body contact is allowed to a certain degree. Usually, players use their broomsticks to steal the ball from their opponents.
How many referees are there in a game of broomball?
There are two officials on the ice rink during a game.
Can I play with more than six players on my team?
Conventionally, a team consists of six players. However, if playing by house rules, you can have more players. Sometimes, you can have more than six players. In such a situation, you can rotate the players.
Is Broomball an Olympic sport?
Unfortunately, not. However, there is no saying that it will not be included in the future!
What Are the Penalties in Broomball?
Common penalties in broomball include minor offenses like tripping, slashing, and high sticking, which result in a 2-minute penalty. Major penalties, such as checking a goalie or throwing the broom, lead to a 4-minute penalty.
How Is Broomball Different from Hockey?
Broomball differs from hockey in several ways: players wear rubber-soled shoes instead of skates, use brooms instead of hockey sticks, and play with a ball rather than a puck. Broomball is typically a non-contact sport, focusing more on agility and strategy, whereas hockey involves physical checking.
How Long Is an Official Broomball Game?
An official broomball game usually consists of two halves, each lasting 15-20 minutes, depending on the league or tournament. Some leagues may use a running clock, while others use stop time, especially in the final minutes if the game is close.
Do you feel like you can win at Broomball? Then prepare yourself, take your broomball sticks, and enjoy a friendly game of broomball. Play by the broomball rules, and you will have the best time of your life. However, make sure you have all the safety equipment mentioned above.
Think you know enough? Get, set, and Roll! Keep coming back to Play With Rules for more such impactful learning on sports around the world.
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