Remember those games we used to play as kids, like ‘Kick The Can?’ Even Kick The Can rules were quite simple, and they always filled our days with laughter and adventure. The game was also simple, as it combined games like hide-and-seek, capture the flag, and tag. Although it is based on several popular games, it has been around for a while. Today, we shall learn about this simple game that can bring insurmountable joy to kids and adults alike.
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How To Play Kick The Can?
Forget about complicated rules and high-tech gadgets. Kick The Can is a game that brings back the joy of simplicity. All you need is an empty can, a space with hiding spots, and a group of enthusiastic players. It’s that easy.
But before starting the game, players need to decide on the ‘playable’ area and the ‘jail’ area on the playing grounds. Then, one ‘IT’ needs to be nominated (the ‘IT’ can be picked after a coin toss or any other method that everyone agrees upon). The ‘IT’ has to find the players and put them in jail before other players kick the can and release them. So now that you know how to play kick the can, let’s focus on its objective and rules of kick the can.
The objective of playing Kick The Can is to win. If you are ‘IT,’ your aim is to capture all the players and put them in the jail area, per the Kick The Can rules. However, you also have to be wary of lurking players sneaking up to the can and kicking it, freeing the jailed players.
If you are one of the people hiding, your objective must be to protect yourself at first and not be spotted. The secondary objective is to defeat the ‘IT’ by trying to free as many players as possible. This game has no scores, as it is played for fun. In the end, it all comes down to winning, but make sure you ‘Play With Rules.’
Kick The Can Rules
The game’s simplicity makes it one of the simplest games to learn, making it enjoyable and competitive. But every game has rules, and these rules actually make the game even more fun to play! In this section of the article, we shall go over the rules of Kick The Can so that the next time you play the game with your friends, you can explain the rules to them and have the time of your life:
1. Setting Up & Starting: Kick The Can
You don’t need much to play a game of Kick The Can. The name of the game explains how the game is played. But the fun is in the details, so let’s find out how to set up the game the right way:
- Recruit players: You can have as many as 20 players playing Kick The Can, provided the playground or the area you are playing in is big enough and has enough hiding spots. As per the Rules of Kick the Can, the minimum number of players required is 3 (or sometimes 5).
- Get a Can: Use an empty, used can that will be kicked around during the game. If you cannot get your hands on a can, you can also go for a small bucket or bottle. Make sure it is kickable over a considerable distance. If the bottle or the can is too light, you can fill it with sand or other things to modify the weight.
- Declaring boundary: Once you have the people and the can, the next step is determining the outer boundary every player needs to play. This means the players can only find a hiding spot within this boundary, and the ‘IT’ needs to look for players within this area.
- Designating a jail area: Per Kick the Can rules, after deciding on the boundary, assign a bench or a particular area to be the jail area. Players who are caught in a game must go to the jail area and wait until another player comes and releases them.
- Toss To Select The ‘IT’: Once the play has been set up, the players need to select the ‘IT.’ A simple coin toss or some other combination can be used to select the ‘IT.’ That player has to find and jail the rest of the players. The other players are to hide and ensure that the ‘IT’ player cannot see them.
2. General Kick The Can Rules
Here are the general rules of kick the can and directions for playing Kick The Can:
- According to the rules of Kick the Can, the IT closes their eyes and counts up to a number decided upon (can be 20, 40, 50, etc.).
- During this time, the players have to run and find their hiding spot. However, they can only hide within the boundary.
- After counting up to the predetermined number, the IT starts looking for the players. If the ‘IT’ finds a hiding player and calls out their name and location, that player has been found. They need to go to jail and wait to be released.
- Then, the IT starts searching for the other players while also guarding the can.
- However, other players can keep hiding or try to sneak up on the can and kick it to release all the jailed players.
- Kick the Can rules also state that when the IT calls out a player and that hiding player is caught, both that player and the IT run back to the can.
- If the caught-out player gets to the can, he has to kick it. This will release the jailed players, and the IT player will have to go collect the can.
- After collecting the can, the ‘IT’ has to place the can back in its original position and start searching for the players again.
- But if, after calling out, the IT gets to the can before the called-out player, then that player goes to jail. The IT then continues searching for other players while guarding the can to prevent players from kicking it.
- The last hider who doesn’t get caught by the IT wins. This is usually decided by timing a game (say 15 mins).
- If the IT finds all the players and jails them before time runs out, then the IT wins the game, per Kick The Can rules.

Number Of Players
A game of Kick The Can can be played by as many players as you want. There is no upper cap on the total number of players that can be part of the game, especially because there are no teams. Officially, a minimum of 3 players are required to play Kick The Can, and the number can go up to 20 people, if not more.
Variations Of Kick The Can
The standard game itself sounds like a ball! Imagine how fun a game with modifications would be. It so happens that ‘Kick The Can’ has a few changes that you can add to make the game more exciting. Some of the most popular variations are as follows:
- When the IT is searching for players, any of the hiding players (only the players not jailed) can sneak up on the can and kick it while screaming “Homefree.” This will release all the jailed players. Then, IT will have to collect the can and look for the players again.
- Kick the Can rules also suggest that you can either have the IT collect the can and immediately start searching for the players, or you can have the IT count down from a particular number while all the other players find a place to hide.
- To prevent the game from being painstakingly long-drawn, you can introduce a rule that states that the first player to get caught three times by the original IT becomes the next IT. Interesting, right?
- Another variation suggests that instead of having the called-out players and the IT race to the can, you can alternatively choose for the IT to tag that player. If the player is tagged, they are jailed.
- If you are playing with a large group of friends, then you can have two ITs and two cans.
Did You Know?
- Kick The Can is a game that gained significant popularity in the 1930s.
- The history and origin of the game are unclear, but it is believed to have originated in Europe. It was brought to North America by immigrants.
- There are variations of the game where you can play as teams.
- The game also has different names, such as Kick The Block, Guard The Can, Can Can, 40 40, etc.
How many players can play Kick The Can?
There is no limit to that. If there are more than 20 players, then introduce one extra IT for each 20 players (the standard being 1 IT for 20 players).
Am I caught if the IT calls me out?
Yes, but you still have a chance to free the jailed players and yourself per Kick the Can rules. You need to get to the can before the IT and kick it for that!
Can I kick the can if IT misses me?
You can! There is a modification to the game that actually allows that! Read above to find out.
How long does Kick The Can last?
It can go on for as long as the players want to. However, if you want to play multiple games and avoid tiring one person out, then you can keep a limit on each match.
Playing a game is only fun when there are rules. Rules make a game exciting, and now you know Kick the Can rules. You can teach your friends or modify the existing rules to create a thrilling version of Kick The Can that is totally yours!
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